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Unconditional Love – Mum

Unconditional Love – Mum

Every time our kits arrive in their wee brown box its always a delight to open them up and spread the papers out across the table wondering, what photos do I have that will go with this kit?  What can I create?    Well, I did not have a problem putting something together this month.  Once I found my perfect photograph, I was off!  This is a single-page layout created using the lovely August Kit – 49 Market Vintage Artistry Range, beautiful neutral colours with an old photograph of my Mum at the age of 18.  (Passed 2011)

For my base I used the Bazzill Dusk keeping this at 12x12, I wanted to show some surround of the base layer to add some contrast to the colours in this paper.         

Then using the Wallflower paper, I tore around the edges reducing the size to around 11x11. Using my Tim Holtz Distressed Ink-Brushed Corduroy I edged all around the paper.  I placed this centrally on the base.           

Then with the Ecology paper, I cut out an 8 x 8 square along with a 3x8 rectangle, capturing the area with the leaves on to add some more colour.   I then used my distress tool and distressed around the edges of both cut-outs, then using Brushed Corduroy ink I edged all around.

With my 8x8 square, I decided to use the texture paste to add some colour and texture to the plain area.  I choose to use Tim Holtz Stencil #32 – Flourish.  I laid the stencil down onto the left-hand side of the cutout, I mixed some Antique Bronze Mica Spray into the paste, couple of drops.  This gave me a lovely pale peachy colour.  Using my spatula, I covered the stencil with a good layer of texture paste.  I gave it a few seconds to dry then I lifted off the stencil, leaving a perfect pattern.  Once dry, I then laid this sheet centrally onto my layout.   

With my extra sheet of Wallflower, I cut out 3.5 x 2.5 and a 2.75 x 2 rectangles and then selecting the black, grey and burgundy flowered area I cut out 3 x 2 rectangle.  Again, I distressed all round and inked with Brushed Corduroy ink.    I laid these pieces onto my layout the small 2.75 x 2 to the top right, overhanging the edge of the 8x8 by a couple of centimetres. I then added the 3x8 (Ecology) off centre on top of my layout, overhanging the 8x8 (Ecology) at the bottom.  I then laid my (Wallflower) 2.75 x 2 on top of the 3.5 x 2.5 which left a pretty surround for the flower pattern.

I used Dusk to mat my photograph and placed this onto my layout towards the right.  Leaving plenty of room for my journal and title at the top.  I used a strip from the torn Wallflower paper for my journal strip 1cm x 14cm, again I inked around the edge.  Once I was happy with my placement of the paper, I stuck this down with some ¼ “ score double-sided tape.

For my Title I used Dusty Attic words “Unconditional Love” and coloured this will Art Alchemy Metallic paint – Plumb Preserves.  Which I think really pulls out the colour of the flowers in the patterned paper.  I laid this across the top of the 8x8.  Underneath to the right, I added my journal strip.

To the left of the layout, I added some more DA this time I used Decorative Hinge #1 Sml.  I painted these in Plum Preserve and placed these down the side of the layout.  I felt this gave me a ‘page out of an old book’ feel.

The flowers I added were 49 Market Sugar Petals – Huckleberry. (so pretty) Which for me added a perfect contrast of colour, I placed these at the left-hand side edge of the 8x8.  A flower underneath the beginning of my title and a single flower at the right-hand corner edge.  And of course, popping on the Pixie Petals which came with the kit.   

I used 3D gloss gel to fix my DA & Flowers to the layout.    Tah Da!  All finished and very happy!

  • Extra Items Used
  • Tim Holtz Stencil - #32 Flourish
  • Tim Holtz Distress Ink – Brushed Corduroy
  • Tim Holtz Mica Spray - Antique Bronze
  • Art Alchemy – Plum Preserve paint
  • 49 and Market Sugar Petals – Huckleberry
  • Dusty Attic – Unconditional Love (word title)
  • Dusty Attic – Decorative Hinge #1 Small
  • Scor Tape ¼”
  • 3D Gloss Gel
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