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Scrapaholix August Kits - Texture Paste

Scrapaholix August Kits - Texture Paste

Lovely, soft neutral colours feature in the August kits; this month the kits would be well suited to heritage, wedding or any softer style photos. Think about using an accent colour or two, and see how different the results can be using the same paper range!

The papers are from 49 and Market's recently released Vintage Artistry range in Natural, and we will be taking a look at texture paste and how to use it. The texture paste used in this kit is made by Ranger - I have always described this particular texture paste as "fool-proof" - it is by far the easiest to use as it is quite thick, and goes through stencils beautifully.

In this month's main kit we have:

1 x Wallflower Patterned Paper
1 x Gilded Patterned Paper
1 x Bazzill Coconut Swirl
1 x Bazzill Dusk
1 x Bazzill Quicksand
1 x American Crafts Smoke
1 x jar white texture paste
The add on kit contains:
1 x Painted Ladies Patterned Paper
1 x Ecology Patterned Paper
24" Cream Cluny Lace
1 x Simple Stories Alpha sticker sheet in grey
3 x 49 and Market Pixie Petals in Parchment


Please note, there are 2 patterned papers in each kit - photos show 4 patterned papers so we can show both sides of the papers!


Kits are available at your local Scrapholix club - East Lothian, Stockton on Tees, Exeter, Beccles and Dereham.

Not got a local club? You can still order yours by contacting us at The Mad Scrapper on 07762 932100 or use the contact form on our website.

Previous article Memories by ELAINE KING


Anonymous - August 7, 2020

My main and add on kit arrived today – I’ve liked all bar one kit that I’ve had (just personal choice) but I think this has to be my favourite kit so far, I absolutely love it.
Thank you so much

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