Hi there.
This is my final project inspired by the September Scrapaholix kit.
I was intrigued by the faux leather paper as I’d never seen any this sturdy before.
I didn’t feel I should be doing a design team post using it until I knew what it could do and how much it can stand up to.
It would have made a very pretty little junk journal cover as it was but that wouldn’t help me find out much about the paper.
So I went full out mixed media on it. I made a little junk journal, sticking to the “nature theme” of the papers.

And wow… it didn’t matter how wet I got it and how much of a beating I gave it it would not tear. It took on the acrylic paints well and the texture showed well when I gave it a dark colour wash.
What it would not do was, emboss in my sizzix. It did emboss beautifully but within a few minutes I could see the embossing was fading and the paper was going back into its natural flatter shape. I found the same thing happened when I had scrunched the paper up to make it look worn and well used. It just kept returning to its original shape.
But it could be heat embossed with powder and a heat gun.
It’s flexible so I was able to make a wrap around journal cover from the strip I got in the kit.
The holes I punched in it to attach my junk pages are certainly not going to tear or stretch at all.
I’ve used scraps of the left over card and papers from the kit to make and decorate my junk pages and I’ve got enough bits left (mostly the phrases and hessian effect sticky letters) to decorate more of my little journal pages.
I’m impressed by this paper. I know it’s not cheap but now I know I could use it to make functional items, I would probably buy more.
Supply list
September’s scrapaholix kit
Acrylic paint: raw sienna, raw umber, Carmine.
Waxes for extra highlights on the “leather”. I used gold.
Scraps of paper: for example old book pages, off cuts of scrapbook papers, sheet music etc.
Metal clip or a lace to keep the journal closed.
You can decorate your journal pages any way you please. I’ve done a couple of mine so far and I hope to return to it and do more at a later date.
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