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April Scrapaholix card by LOUISE CROSBIE

April Scrapaholix card by LOUISE CROSBIE

I have to say the April kit theme came to me at a very opportune moment. My son and his partner just got their first “together” home. And as they both love house plants, the Scrapaholix kit just ticked all the boxes for me to make a card for them. 
I’m not a card maker so, like almost all the cards I share here, it’s a pretty simple. Other than some cutting out, all I’ve added is some doodle style faux stitching and outlines using a white pen.  Then some splatters of paint in white and green.
Aprils Kit
Ranger - Opaque white pen
White paint for splatters.
Previous article Believe by KERRY MCINALLY


Sue - April 11, 2022

That’s a lovely card. Congratulations to them both on their new beginnings. X

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