I’m not ordinarily a big lover of pink, but, there is something about a vintage pink Christmas/Yule/Winter theme that seems to attract me. I blame Stamperia. Ever since they brought out that pink Christmas collection a couple of years ago I have been a pink convert.
So I decided to have a go at making myself a pink snowy Christmas hanging using mostly Dusty Attic chipboard.
The truth is I struggled at first. It seemed to keep going terribly wrong. It certainly hasnt got the vintage vibe I was aiming for. It started with a more pink and silver theme. I thought pink with the white would go well with silver.

It was ok but I wasn’t comfortable with it. I didn’t really love how it looked.
But I persevered and in the end I painted white gesso over most of the silver and replaced the silver with gold.
I liked it a lot better like this.
I often start projects without really knowing what I am aiming for and I just pick up a brush and start. It’s a bit of a process and there have been many occasions where I’ve not liked how it’s going and have a change of mind midway. But I think that’s ok. I’m in the moment and just going with the flow.
It doesn’t have to be perfect and it certainly doesn’t have to be perfect from the first attempt.
It’s covered in glitter and sparks paint so it’s super twinkly. Sadly none of that shows up on the photos so you’ll just have to use your imagination lol.
I’ve made a video of this being made (evidence of how many times I changed my mind after adding something and deciding I didn’t like it).
You can find it on my YouTube channel ( search for Louise-Zuzu )
Supply List:
3D gel (larger size available)
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