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Rust experiment canvas by LORI WOODS

Rust experiment canvas by LORI WOODS

Hello creative friends! Rust paste is my go-to product for creating rusty finishes on projects but I wanted to see how effective using other media would be in creating a similar look.
I started by creating my base using large Dusty Attic clock chipboards, Finnabair stencil with modelling paste and some mini art stones for a little texture. I then glued down elements from the Large Gears and Machine Parts moulds, gave everything a coat of black gesso and I was ready to start the experiment!
I began with Liquid Acrylic paints in Carmine, Burnt Sienna and Tigers Eye, adding a little water to dilute the intense colour. They're a great rusty colour combo but the results needed a bit more oomph! I dabbed Jewel Pastes in Rubies, Amber and Tigers Eye over areas where the paint was quite faint and this gave me a much more wow effect. I finished off with some of the trusty rust paste for a comparison and I have to say, I'm very pleased with how the experiment turned out!
Supplies used:
Previous article Craft Club Folio inspiration: by Louise Crosbie


Sue - April 20, 2022

Another wonderful project

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