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Our Happy Home by KAREN MOSS

Our Happy Home by KAREN MOSS

Hello, Karen here again with another Cocoa Vanilla Studio layout. This time I have used the These Days range – don’t you just love those coral, pink and green tones of the papers?

My daughter and her husband have lived in their house for four years and they have made so many changes to the inside and the gardens recently. It truly is a happy home and a delight to visit.

For this layout I have used two pieces of These Days – Wall of Fame and two pieces of These Days – Neighbourhood.

I started by cutting all the houses from the two pieces of Neighbourhood paper. Then I cut a 7in square piece of white cardstock. I lightly pencilled a ¼ in frame around this. Next, I cut two pieces of green card measuring 8ins x 1in and tore them in half lengthways, resulting in four pieces ½ in x 8 ins. These were stuck around the outside of the white square, aligning the straight edge with the pencil line, any excess was trimmed off.

I added this to the centre of a piece of Wall of Fame paper, with the coral side showing, using foam pads. I made sure I was able to tuck my houses underneath the green strips. I then added my first row of houses, around the edge of the green cardstock (I wanted the green to look like a little hedge).

I added a second row of houses, on top of the first and used foam pads to adhere them. The large pink doily from the Vintage Artistry Shore Ephemera Stack was placed at the top left of the white square. I added a fussy cut house at the top right of this square with three more added at the bottom left.

I cut four frames from the second piece of Wall of Fame paper and cut out the centre of these, adding my photographs behind them and arranging them at the bottom right of my white square.

To finish I used some These Days Puffy Stickers, These Days Wood Epoxy Buttons and made my title using Rainbow Phrase Stickers.


Supplies Used

Cocoa Vanilla Studio - These Days Neighbourhood Paper x 2

Cocoa Vanilla Studio - These Days Wall of Frame Paper x 2

Cocoa Vanilla Studio - These Days Puffy Stickers

Cocoa Vanilla Studio - These Days Wood Epoxy Buttons

Vintage Artistry Shore Ephemera Stack

Thickers - Rainbow Phrases

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Previous article Craft Club Folio inspiration: by Louise Crosbie


Sharon Peters - June 13, 2022

Hello – lovely layout – is there a link where to purchase that gorgeous doily please? I thought it was a material doily when I first saw it. Thanks

Sue - June 13, 2022

Such a lovely layout, great to chart those changes. Love Cocoa Vanilla too. X

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