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Mini Album Cover by LOUISE CROSBIE

Mini Album Cover by LOUISE CROSBIE

Hi there!
Today I’m showing you the outside of a hand made mini album (I’ve been sharing the inside on the Scrapaholix monthly kit club blog). 
The truth is, this little album had a previous life when I was asked to make it for someone but after completing a lot of it, their circumstances changed and the album was no longer required.
Rather than waste all the materials and the hours of effort, I rescued as much of it as I could by carefully removing the old themed photos and memorabilia and then giving almost everything a coat of black gesso. 
It gave me a nice blank canvas to work from.
Some stencils, mixed media supplies, an old book page, and flowers later, and the hand made album has a completely new look. Anyone who knows me will be surprised at how colourful it is and in particular, that I’ve used pink! It’s not even got any rusty bits on it. Lol.
Supply List:
Finnabair Products:
Gesso: Black - Small or Large.  White - Small or Large (or white acrylic paint. Whichever you have on hand).
Impasto paint: Boudoir Pink.
Liquid Acrylics: Ink Black,
Metallique paint: Romance Pink
Metallique wax: Vintage Gold
Stencil-Iris tapestry
Other supplies:
The Dusty Attic: flat back pearls
Tim Holtz Idea-ology: Metal Ornate Corners.
*Regarding the flowers. It's hard to give you an exact list as I rather foolishly emptied all my flowers out into a nice tray for easy access. This means I no longer have the packets with names and colour/shade names.
I can at least say I think have used some Majestic Bouquet, Garden Petals and Maura's Vinyard.
so I have given you a direct link to the 49 and market flower selection for you to choose your own.
Previous article Grateful: Layout by Sue Crease


Sue - October 28, 2021

Beautifully inspiring. Glad you were able to give it another life. X

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